Bella Voce

to share, to hear, to listen, to discover, to learn . . . continuously

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Location: California, United States

Yes, "bellevoce" does not match the title of my blog. This near-Italian username stems from a play on words of my childhood nickname of Elle in combination with the Italian translation of "beautiful voice (bella voce)." My mother coined this name for my first email address and I have come to love it for its root in my Italian heritage and remembrance of my childhood.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Thank God for the Internet

I'm at a point right now where I can't believe I have actually gotten. I've desired to study abroad in the UK for most of my life. It has been one of those unquestioned goals in life just as college and my Ph.D. have been. The entire past year has been devoted to getting all the necessary paperwork done and setting up a new life in another country. Granted, I'll only be there for 3 months, but so much work was required!

So I'm set to leave today in about 6 hours and this funny thing happened - I'm scared. This is something new for me. Going to college was a breeze and a blast, traveling around the country was a welcome wonder, and living on my own for 3 years has been liberating. This apprehension is something new to me. 

However, I recognize through all of this that I have always had a support base that I could turn to at a moment's notice. This time it won't be there. I don't think that I'm looking forward to being both homesick and heartbroken at the same time.

But as I think about this new and crazy adventure, it's not that I don't have that support base anymore, it'll just be delayed by about 8 hours or so (give or take where in Europe I'll be at the time). So I want to thank you all who decided to stick it out with me; those who have been there for me so faithfully in the past and who value me enough to be there for me even as I'm not present with them.

I'll have Skype for internet calling, I'll still be using facebook, and email will be checked constantly. I love you all and can't wait to tell you about my journeys! Thank God for the Internet!

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Blogger Me said...

Aw, I do hope you find your wings while you're float through Europe.

Be sure to find me on Facebook if you get the time :)

Wishing you well.

September 19, 2008 6:57 AM  

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