Bella Voce

to share, to hear, to listen, to discover, to learn . . . continuously

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Location: California, United States

Yes, "bellevoce" does not match the title of my blog. This near-Italian username stems from a play on words of my childhood nickname of Elle in combination with the Italian translation of "beautiful voice (bella voce)." My mother coined this name for my first email address and I have come to love it for its root in my Italian heritage and remembrance of my childhood.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

WTF Mate?!?

That’s exactly the question that I am asking after I heard the news that “A US intelligence assessment released on Monday said that Iran had halted a nuclear weapons programme in 2003” according to BBC News.

WTF? So the U.S. has been bullying a sovereign nation, imposing economic sanctions upon it, and threatening Iran with war for four years for something it has not been doing? No wonder they have been mad at US.

I am quite surprised that this flash film does not have Iran involved in it. Then again, Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program four years ago, thus, arguably, cannot take place in the hysteria of stupidity put forward in the film. (And by “stupidity,” I mean the politics, not the satire.)

All of this talk reminds me of an angry email that I sent to (oops) one of the head leaders at my parents’ church after I received a forward from this particular leader. Below is the forward I was sent and my response back. Feel free to click on the links.

The Forward:
Support Sanctions Against Iran

I just took action on this issue and thought you might find it interesting too. Below you will find links directing you to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee website that will help you locate and email your House and Senate representatives. Whether your Jewish or Christian, please take a minute and help secure the lives of our brothers and sisters in Israel. G-d bless you.



Christians/Jews United for Israel:

Click on this URL to take action now
If your email program does not recognize the URL as a link, copy the entire URL and paste it into your Web browser.

My Response:

I'm sorry. I cannot support U.S. sanctions against any country, let alone Iran. I do not support actions that only harm the innocents of that country and not the government itself. This stance against sanctions does not even include the opinion that I feel the U.S. needs to step out of this conflict all together.

If you recall, the U.S. has not only provided each side of this conflict with weapons (to Saudi Arabia, Israel, and IRAQ) and dictators (Sadaam Hussein), but has also instigated many of the conflicts itself (Iran-Iraq War). If Christians feel the need to support Israel (the largest military in the region which commits countless atrocities against the Palestinians and denies them true freedom), Christians should move to Israel and enlist in their army.

I also do not condone the use of religious propaganda to incite political actions. The petition you requested people to submit says nothing of the threat of Iran's theocracy as John Hagee warns from his pulpit in the link, but rather only mentions the reason as due to Iran's Nuclear Program. Please keep in mind that our most recent inspiration for war (9/11) was not brought to fruition by Iranian hijackers, but by 15 Saudi Arabians (U.S. Allies) and 4 others. If our nation feels that Nuclear technology should not be pursued, our nation should lead the way in complete disarmament.

So, WTF mate?

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Blogger Me said...

I whole heartedly support your WTF MATE stance on such an obviously retarded foreign policy.

December 15, 2007 7:35 PM  

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