East Campus Dr., 11:15 am

"I love the rain. I just went and walked throuh a small grassy, foresty area of campus. The sun is coming out now and it makes me sad. What is it about the rain that calms me so much? I think that I'll love to live in London next year. I need change. I though that I had just begun a new time, but that didn't pan out and I'm now back to square one, or zero. I'm not sure. The question is, what can my heart handle?" - 1/21/08, 2:13 pm
It's funny how just getting a little sleep, going to class, loving knowledge, and recognizing that life goes on can cheer you up, despite the sun coming out. - current timemark
Zendagi Migzara...
(I just got a fun book off of Amazon.com entitled If... I will be posting the questions up for you to answer. They're pretty fun :)If you had to name the most erotic piece of artwork you've ever seen, what would you choose?
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