Bella Voce

to share, to hear, to listen, to discover, to learn . . . continuously

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Location: California, United States

Yes, "bellevoce" does not match the title of my blog. This near-Italian username stems from a play on words of my childhood nickname of Elle in combination with the Italian translation of "beautiful voice (bella voce)." My mother coined this name for my first email address and I have come to love it for its root in my Italian heritage and remembrance of my childhood.

Monday, January 19, 2009

When my brother said that Gaza deserved what the Israelis were doing to them and denied that it was a war, I said:

Read this above. Now, I'll admit that Hamas is quite ridiculous at times and has indeed carried out attacks against Israel which is unacceptable. However, the Israeli response was uncalled for. Did you know that Gaza has been blockaded for 18 months with very limited fuel or humanitarian aid allowed in? The only weapons they have are snuck in and are usually homemade. Israel on the other hand has one of the largest and most technologically advanced militaries in the world.  

The final death toll? Over 1300 Palestinians and 13 Israelis, and no, I did not type that incorrectly. Over 100 times more Palestinians died than Israelis. Here's my citation for that source:

Just ask yourself, is that fair? Is that what we call Justice? To overkill that many people in response to homemade bombs? If this were in any other country, how would you feel? What if over 1300 Israelis died versus 13 Germans? Would that change your point of view?

Think about it.

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