Bella Voce

to share, to hear, to listen, to discover, to learn . . . continuously

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Location: California, United States

Yes, "bellevoce" does not match the title of my blog. This near-Italian username stems from a play on words of my childhood nickname of Elle in combination with the Italian translation of "beautiful voice (bella voce)." My mother coined this name for my first email address and I have come to love it for its root in my Italian heritage and remembrance of my childhood.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Instructions: Please click on fig. 1.1 and view fig. 1.2 for full comprehension

  fig 1.1

fig 1.2

I came to England hoping for rain, clouds, and the cold. London was surprisingly warmer than expected, but upon my first step into the climate of Coventry, I was assailed by a piercing cold. But I’ve think that I’ve acclimated since I’m still wearing only one layer of clothing rather than three that I was expecting. Over the weekend, I wished for the cold and rain. And today is a wonderfully moody day. Hence, I’m actually writing a blog post, imagine that. (Now if just my other wishes will come true ;)

As I sat with my feet propped up on my desk (see fig. 1.2) and read Salman Rushdie’s Shame, I pondered upon the differences of my uni experience in the UK v the US. How is life going to change upon my return to the states? Will I be satisfied? Am I the same person as 6 months ago?

There are obvious answers to all these (and those not stated, yet lying in the unconscious) questions.

1) I will not be going out every night as I am used to here. I won’t be clubbing two nights a week. I won’t have regular cricket practice. I won’t go to the pub any time that I am bored in the evening. My school will definitely not have sponsored drinking game nights. People won’t contribute to discussions in class as readily (yes, I still am attending classes).

2) But I will still be satisfied I think. This is one of the first weekends here that I have actually stayed and relaxed. It reminds me of spending Saturdays in my room at school with a mocha and my schoolwork. Instead of going to packed, sweaty clubs with cheesy music every other song and virtually no hip-hop, I will be chillin’ with friends at their apartments, solidifying my growing love of Riversidians.

3) I will not be the same person. But I don’t think that this change is due to the process of living in another country; rather, that of simply not dying, thus developing further due to availability of oxygen and nutrients. Of course I’m not the same person as 6 months ago, neither are you, dear reader, although it could be contested that this is not a development, but a degeneration due to entropy. But I digress.

I wanted to conclude with a phrase similar to “two different spheres, two different lives” in reference to the drastic differences between these three months and those upon my re-entry to the states. However, that is too dualistic. There is an infinity of spheres, perhaps to the 23rd power…

(yes, this started out much more coherent than it finished, I will give you that)


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Thursday, October 16, 2008

Check out this awesome site to have fun with words!

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