Bella Voce

to share, to hear, to listen, to discover, to learn . . . continuously

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Location: California, United States

Yes, "bellevoce" does not match the title of my blog. This near-Italian username stems from a play on words of my childhood nickname of Elle in combination with the Italian translation of "beautiful voice (bella voce)." My mother coined this name for my first email address and I have come to love it for its root in my Italian heritage and remembrance of my childhood.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

A New Frontier

Interestingly enough, my excursion into the new frontier of blogging began on paper with a black pilot G-2 0.7 mm pen. I believe this will turn into a tale of self-exploration more than the sharing of my life, as a true literary masterpice should.

I am a very open person and enjoy sharing my life with others. I do not necessarily believe that the phrase "I can read you like a book" only possesses a negative connotation. Does not one read certain books to enjoy the story, to escape to a distant land, or to further find one's self in the text of the pages?

I have a friend who stated that his true friends are books. A very interesting comment that I wish I had had the sense to ask him to elaborate upon further. He then told me that if I wanted to understand him, I would have to read a book of his. I took the challenge and did in fact learn a great deal about his motivations, thoughts, and view of others. I also rediscovered my joy in disecting the intricacies of philosophy from literature.

To bring this analogy back around, just as books influence our lives from the mother's knee and on, so also we influence the lives of others. We form our own opinions based upon our reactions to the opinions of others. I look forward to you learning about me. I look forward to learning about you. I look forward to learning about myself from you.

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Blogger Mike Morabito said...

It is an honor to inaugurate your blog with its first comment.


This article is great. I sometimes feel that a book is more like a friend that is guiding you in the way to go. Unfortunately I have not gained the same passion for fiction that I have for non-fiction yet. I suppose I will have that passion someday...maybe. But when I read I do in fact feel as though I am just getting advice from a friend. And I love that aspect of it.

And when I read a blog of a friend I get to stop talking and really listen to what the other person is trying to express about themselves with less distractions. Which is great.

There is absolutely something great about the face to face interaction with other people but blogs allow a different perspective on a person's life which is appreciated.


-mike morabito

August 11, 2006 7:00 PM  
Blogger Mike Morabito said...

It is an honor to inaugurate your blog with its first comment.


This article is great. I sometimes feel that a book is more like a friend that is guiding you in the way to go. Unfortunately I have not gained the same passion for fiction that I have for non-fiction yet. I suppose I will have that passion someday...maybe. But when I read I do in fact feel as though I am just getting advice from a friend. And I love that aspect of it.

And when I read a blog of a friend I get to stop talking and really listen to what the other person is trying to express about themselves with less distractions. Which is great.

-mike morabito

August 11, 2006 7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I Really liked this veiw on freindship. It kinda made me think of the sang; "If your life was a book would people read it?" and everytime i hear that sang it saddens me because no one would read my book lol. But it makes me want to do something outstanding so that people would want to take the time to read me. Because the last thing i want to be a a poorly spelled and boreing book, that would be a travesty.

But i dont want to leave you with a lame book joke so ill leave you with some interesting words i heard from an interesting man. "Give a man a fish and feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime." I love that qoute and i didnt truley understand it at first but then i really thought about it and I truley have a passion to uphold this qoute because teaching is so important to me. But yea that was way off topic and i dont really know why I even shared it with you but i did and i hope you got something from it. Thanks for reading.=)

August 28, 2006 7:27 AM  

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